Andrew wilson actor in royal tennenbaum art
Richie tenenbaum costume
Some of his popular roles include- Eli Cash in The Royal Tenenbaums (), John Beckwith in Wedding Crashers (), Dignan in Bottle Rocket (), Ken Hutchinson in Starsky & Hutch .
The royal tenenbaums trailer
Gene Hackman as Royal Tenenbaum Anjelica Huston as Etheline Tenenbaum Ben Stiller as Chas Tenenbaum Andrew Wilson* Doctor: Dipak Pallana* Sanjay Gandhi: Sanjay Mathew* .
The royal tenenbaums book
TIL that the actor who played Beef Supreme, the Rehabilitation star in Idiocracy, is Andrew Wilson, older brother of actors Owen and Luke Wilson.
Chas tenenbaum
Andrew Wilson has a lot fewer credits than either of his brothers.