Blessed rosalie rendu feast day
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BLESSED ROSALIE RENDU BEATIFICATION 9 November, FEAST DAY 9 November DEATH 7 February Jeanne Marie Rendu was born on September 9, at Confort, a .
Rosalie rendu quotes
Anniversary of Sr. Rosalie Rendu DC. Date of birth: 9 September Place of birth: Confort, France Died: 7 February Beatified: 9 November Feast Day: 7 .
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Read In: Español Français Português Jeanne-Marie Rendu was born in Confort, France.
Blessed rosalie rendu feast day calendar
Recognizing her exceptional virtues and contributions, Pope John Paul II solemnly declared her venerable on 24 April Following this, she was beatified by the same Pope on 9 November , further magnifying her status as a blessed figure in the Catholic Church.